Use "mosquito|mosquitoes|mosquitos" in a sentence

1. Other than being slow as a dung beetle, worst he's got is mosquito bites and blisters.

Плетётся, как черепаха, но ничего страшнее комариных укусов и мозолей с ним не случилось.

2. It was always known as an unhealthy place and whether it was abandoned because of the mosquitoes that plagued it or because of the sifting of the harbor is not clear. Dalyan and the famous "Turtle beach" It is one of the few places in the Mediterranean where giant loggerhead turtles come to lay their eggs.

Не забудьте название своего отеля - местный автобус домчит вас вдоль набережной до него в считанные минуты.